October 20, 2008

Fun day at Lagoon

This past weekend we went to Lagoon and had a blast! Even though I couldn't really ride the rides, it was still fun to go and walk around and watch Daniel and Liz have alot of fun on the rides. I did go on some rides to try and attempt to get this baby out, but don't worry it didn't work! Lagoon is fun at this time because of Frightmares and seeing all the cool decorations and having it alot cooler when you walk around.

Here is all of us except for Mark because someone had to take the picture!

Here is Matthew and Nicole and Daniel and Liz.. It was amazing we got them all to hold still!

We were waiting to go on the Train

They had so much fun in the Boats!

We were waiting for another ride... We were getting pretty tired at this point!

Can you tell how excited Mark is to go on the Merry-go-round?

Now this is true excitement to be on the ride! haha

Nicole and Liz, Liz thought this was the coolest thing in the world!

So that is a few pictures from our fun day at Lagoon. It was alot of fun, I can 't wait to go back next season and go on the real rides and not all the little kid rides! Little kid rides are fun, but not as fun as all the roller coasters!


Kristi said...

HOW FUN!!!! I wish I was there. That looks like so much fun! Oh, Liz - what a sweetheart. Julie - you look great. Cute belly - I know you don't think so, but it is. I'm so glad you guys got together and did this.

Jamie said...

Almost there, Julie! Good luck with the delivery you two! You look great and ready to be wonderful parents!!

We're All Wright said...

Julie I love your blog!!! You are so cute pregnant! I loved seeing all the wedding pictures and the family pictures. You and your husband are so cute together...Now I'm waiting patiently to see the wee babe.... I know you are very busy but inquiring minds want to know!
XOXO Viv Wright